
Welcome to my personal website. I'm not entirely sure what I want to do with this site yet, so check back regularly and you might find some new content here. I'm pretty bad at front-end stuff, so I'm using Bootstrap to style my site.


This site'll be done once all I-35 construction is finished (any day now).

About Me

Hi, I'm Rodrigo Lopez. I grew up in the Hill Country and I'm currently living in Austin, TX. My hobbies include reading, occasional videogame playing, and programming, among others. My favorite (and primary) programming language is Python, altough I've used a little JavaScript and have used C to build a half-finished Game Boy emulator. I also have experience with Mathematica, SAS, and PostgreSQL. I've used Microsoft products (Office Suite, Teams, Outlook, etc.), but I personally dislike these. Instead of using MS Word, try out LaTeX sometime. It's much better for document typesetting. My operating system of choice at the moment is Arch Linux, but I also use Ubuntu and MS Windows occasionally.

As for my education, I studied physics and astronomy at UT Austin and hold two degrees from there: a BS in Physics, and a BS in Astronomy. My favorite physics course was either General Relativity or Solid-State Physics, and my favorite astronomy course was Cosmology. I'm always down to discuss physics.

About This Site

This website is powered by my blood, sweat, and tears. Oh and Django with Nginx, I suppose.